Tae-hoon Kim (Pete)
I was Principal Engineer of Intel Corporation until May 31, 2018.
I was one of co-founders of Olaworks, inc., a computer vision start-up company that was acquired by Intel in 2012.
After that I developed computer vision algorithms for intel platform and contributed small AI accelerator design.
Background Job I did (not directly from my primary job)
Last autum and winter (Nov 2017 - Jan 2018), I worked with my ex-colleague, Sang Il Park, to solve a problem of playing with halftone images such as descreening their halftone patterns, editing their contents, and chaning their halftone styles:
Tae-hoon Kim and Sang Il Park, “Deep Context-Aware Descreening and Rescreening of Halftone Images”, ACM SIGGRAPH 2018 (Camera-ready)
Rescreening and Editing: